Thursday, February 23, 2012

Poor sport on my part

Wow, I can't believe that I have truly allowed this part of my life slip into such disuse. When I started this I had grand designs of posting at least once a week some review, rant, musing or just a general lopsided view of cigar life that could only stem from my brain. Seeing as that my last post was almost three years ago I have utterly failed in this little experiment.

Well no more, time to get back on this horse and see where it will take me. In the three years of my sloth I have acquired and smoked hundreds cigars, lived at least a dozen lifetimes (I have adult children you know) and have countless memories to share with the whooping two dedicated readers (thanks mom and sis!) of this little blog. So onward and upwards and be prepared to be amused but more than likely disgusted.